
Friday, 4 December 2020

Art expo - Room 3

Today at Pt England School, we travelled around whole school to see amazing art on display! Every child in our school had the opportunity to create and display an artwork. 

I love this experience because as soon as its term 4 when your year 8, you know your going to have to leave intermediate going into college! This experience gives you time to cherish those moments you had in intermediate, its takes you back years and just reminds you of the great times you had in intermediate.   We went through a lot of classes but for me I think that us team 5 had the best art projects .Today was a good experience and I love to do it again sometime again. 


Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Pointillism Art Work - Room 3

Task Description: This week room 3 has been working on pointillism art work. We had to choose themes of line, and here are the 2 themes I chose so far hope you enjoy my pointillism art work. I will share my paintings, when we start painting our themes/pointillism art works!



Monday, 16 November 2020

14 Auckland beaches declared unsafe - Literacy (Room 5)

Task Description: Today for reading we have done this task called a read off. I choose the article 14 Auckland beaches declared unsafe. It is unsafe to swim in the 14 beaches due to animal pop and you could get really sick.  

Monday, 9 November 2020

10 weirdest places in the world

Task Description: This week i worked on a task and watched a movie. The movie was about 10 weirdest places in the wrold, i worked on this with Central, Mele and TOri


Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Climate change - Room 5


Task Description: Today my literacy class learnt more about climate change. We had to find facts and we also had to name what it meant, for this task I worked on it with a friend of mine and her name is Tori.

Monday, 2 November 2020

Climate Change - Literacy room 5

Task Description: Today for literacy we worked on Climate Change. I worked on this climate change task with a friend of mine and her name is Mele. *Hope you enjoy*

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Tokelau - Room 3

Task Description: This week we are learning more about Tokelau. For Tokelau we had to learn heaps about it, we had to have facts and put different type of images on Tokelau! I worked on this with two of my friends (Mele and Central) *HOPE YOU ENJOY*

What is the time? - Te Reo (Room 5)

Task Description: Today in Te Reo, we worked on a task which was "What is the time". This is what we did, HOPE YOU ENOJOY.

Amazing Algebra - Room 3

Today we worked on An amazing Algebra. This is what we have done for our amazing algebra, i worked on this with , Mele,Kolopa, and Latisha.

Chance of Probabillity - Room 3

Good morning :)) !! this morning I finished off my maths task from yesterday afternoon,Its about graphs and numbers. It was really easy to do and it was fun as well. 

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Family Reunion - Literacy room 5

Title: Family Reunion.

Introduction: Today in this piece of writing i'm going to be explaining what a Family gatherings, Family respect, Activities and Games. And what we do at family gatherings or reunions.

Info 1: Family gatherings:

Family gatherings are when your whole family turns up to a hall, or one of your family members' houses.  A family gathering is when you meet your loved ones, or some of your family members you haven't met before, and it's just where you get to spend time with your family. When you meet new family members, you always have to treat them like you’ve already met them before because it shows respect. These kinds of family reunions give time for you and your family to have time off work, and it also gives time for you to meet new people in the family. 

Info 2: Family Respect:

Family respect is when you respect your family. Respecting your family is a must, you should always be respectful to your family! When mum or dad asks you to go get something for them, you don't say no you say yes. Showing respect to your siblings even though they can be annoying at times, respect should always be shown to anyone and everyone. 

Info 3: Activities/Games:

Playing games with your family and also doing fun activities with your family is called communication. Communicating with your family and playing games is good, you get to play with them for the whole day and you also get to become great and close cousins or siblings. Playing fun activities is amazing, at a family gathering there will always be this one cousin or sibling doing a fun activity, it could either be touch, tag, hide and seek, or rugby.

Conclusion: So in this writing, I wrote about Family gatherings,Family respect and Activities and games. Reconnecting with your family before adults go away, either to another country or they are very sick and they have 1-2 days left to live, it's so important to go to every family gathering.

Why is school important - Literacy room 5

 Title: Why is school important?

Intro: School is one of the most important things for us kids. It can teach you to use tools in life and also in the future. School is important because it helps you get good grades. For example , why is school important? Because it acknowledges the stages in the topics you have done during your journey through school, and it also helps you.  

Info 1: School is important because we learn about life and the future. School is important because we learn new things, new things you learn can teach you more and more about life. School provides high grades and the perfect grades you're meant to be at, school also provides exposure to activities, ideas, and fields of knowledge that you might never encounter otherwise. School can help you to get good educations either for college or university. 

Info 2:  The difference between school and life, is that school teaches you heaps about your grades and ideas through life. School is important not only because it teaches more about life, but only it helps you get good grades and it can make you become a good worker. People that dont bother to go to school just don't love school. For me I kind of love school but not that much, I'm very thankful that we have schools around because if it wasn't my grades won't be where they are at right now!

Info 3: School lets you do heaps of things in your classroom, being in school not only teaches you but it makes you get more friends. School is important because it teaches us about the world around us and prepares us with the tools we will need for future success in the job market. Schools can teach you heaps more, even if you don't like it, it still can teach you heaps and if you don't do what you are told then you won't learn.

Conclusion: Students that go school have been teached heaps, we have been teached more about life, more about the future, and mainly more about our grades. Going to school everyday, waking up early in the morning at 7:00 just to get ready for school, it just shows you how much you want to learn from school.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Niue Language Week - Room 3

Task Description: This week is Niuean Language week, for Niuean language week we are doing posters. The posters have to be facts which was the other post I did, and this post is all about the greetings in Niue. I worked on this with 2 buddys and there names are Zoe and Tori. Hope you enjoy!


Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Renewable Energy - Room 5

This week in literacy we worked on Renewable Energy. We had to watch a video and get some facts and words out of the video, this is what i've done. I also worked on this with a buddy Victoria.

Monday, 19 October 2020

Niue Language Week - Room 3

 Task Description: This week is Niue language week. For Niue language week we are learning much more about that island, Niue has no beachs, Its an island, they use NZ money and they also have no buses but only because there island is so tiny! This is what I have done today to celebrate Niue Language week, I worked on this with my friend (Buddy) Zoe. Hope you enjoy!

Algebra - Room 3

This week room has been working on algebra. This is our task we had to work on, we started of with the whole class answering the first slide. I worked on this with 2 buddys, there names a Zoe and Tori.

Friday, 16 October 2020

Immersion Assembly - Term 4

Last Monday on the first day of Term 4, we had an Immersion assembly. Our immersion assembly is all about the things we are going to be focusing on for the rest of the term! All the teams had to act or make a movie about what their going to do through out this term.

Info 1 - Team 5:
Team 5's act was all about the art gallery. Team 5 is focusing on making art, and also finding places through the school where we can hang our piece of art work. At the immersion assembly, all of the team 5 teachers acted like an art work that you would find at the art gallery shop in town. Mrs Tele'a acted like an Islander with a malu on her legs, with all these objects that the people used in the old days. 

Info 2 - Team 1:
Team 1's movie was about Famous paintings. Team 1 created a movie with all of the team 1 teachers, and they had to dress up so they could look like the peoples paintings. The team 1 teachers acted like one of the famous peoples paintings, for example like Girl with a Pearl Earring one of the teachers acted like her, and the rest had to find other famous paintings and dress up as them. 

Info 3 - Team 4:
For teams 4 movie was all about google meeting and cultural patterns. All of the team 4 teachers met up in a google meet, since it was holidays and they all couldn't make it, they just had a google meet and had a decision about what they should do for there movie. Miss Tuia came up with a brilliant idea and it was to draw cultural patterns, they worked from home and they all managed to get there art work done.

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Speeches - Te Reo Maori

Task Description: For today in Te Reo, we worked on our Maori Speeches. We had to buddy up with a partner, and I chose to go with my friend Zoe. We woked on this together, hope you enjoy!

Line Graphs

Task Description:: For today in maths, we worked on our line graphs. Todays task was all about line graphs, the Y is the vertical and the X is horizontal, I worked on this task with 2 buddys Tori and Zoe.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Why is school important?

 Title: Why is school important?

Intro: School is one of the most important things for us kids. It can teach you to use tools in life and also in the future. School is important because it helps you get good grades. For example , why is school important? Because it acknowledges the stages in the topics you have done during your journey through school, and it also helps you.

Info 1: School is important because we learn about life and the future. School is important because learn new things, new things you learn can teach you more and more about life. School provides high grades and the perfect grades you're meant to be at, school also provides exposure to activities, ideas, and fields of knowledge that you might never encounter otherwise. School can help you to get good educations either for college or university.

Info 2:  The difference between school and life, is that school teaches you heaps about your grades and ideas through life. School is important not only because it teaches more about life, but only it helps you get good grades and it can make you become a good worker. People that don't bother to go to school just don't love school. For me I kind of love school but not that much, I'm very thankful that we have schools around because if it wasn't my grades won't be where they are at right now!

Info 3: School lets you do heaps of things in your classroom, being in school not only teaches you but it makes you get more friends. School is important because it teaches us about the world around us and prepares us with the tools we will need for future success in the job market. Schools can teach you heaps more, even if you don't like it, it still can teach you heaps and if you don't do what you are told then you won't learn.

Conclusion: Students that go school have been teached heaps, we have been teached more about life, more about the future, and mainly more about our grades. Going to school everyday, waking up early in the morning at 7:00 just to get ready for school, it just shows you how much you want to learn from school. 

Task Description: For today in literacy we decided to write about why school is important. School should always be important because it teache's you much more, it gets your grades higher and higher (The more you learn). I decided to only do 3 informations about why its important, we are working on our writing because we have tests coming up soon and these writing we write go into our reports so we can go to good colleges.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Art Work Studys - Alberto Giacometti

 Task Description: This week for the start of term 4, team 5 block decided to switch classes every afternoon, and we had to study all these famous peoples art work. Yesterdays study was about "Georges Surat" and todays study is about "Alberto Giacometti". On this study I decided to work with another buddy and her name is Kolopa!

Plastic Fantastic - LIteracy Room 5

Task Description: Today in literacy with our teacher Miss Tipene, we learned more about Plastic. We learned how plastic pollutes our earth, we had a Plastic Fantastic task we had to work on. How we found out how plastic pollutes our earth , is we researched online and we also had a video to watch. In the video it said "The plastic at the landfill can blow away, and go into our seas and oceans"! Damaging this earth not good, so the plastic that you recycle make sure it goes into the right bin, and make sure it goes into the bin correctly and not just throwing it. 

Why it is important to swim? - Room 3

Task Description: Today room 3 chose to work oh Te Whare Tapa Wha "Taha Tinana". We had to talk about why it is important to swim, because we get the chance to go to the G.I pools and learn how to swim. I worked on it with a friend of mine, and her name is Zoe and Tori.

Monday, 12 October 2020

Georges Seurat - 1884

Welcome back to my blog and also to Term 4 yayy! Today for Inquiry we are doing art, this art is all about an artest who has been doing art for over 10 - 15 years. The man we chose to do was "Georges Seurat" this persons art is so beautiful, we decided to write about him, and also have some good key facts about Georges Seurat. This was made by three people, Zoe Tori and I! (Hope you enojoy)

Friday, 25 September 2020

Pourquoi Stories - Literacy

This week for literacy we have been working on Pourquoi Stories. For the Pourquoi stories, we had to choose an animal we were going to write about , but instead me and my cousin Letoria decided to write about more animals / sea-creaters.

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Kei te pehea te ahua o te rangi? *What is the weather like today?

Today for Te Reo Maori, we did a Maori Task. This task relates to saying everything in Maori and translate it into English. This is what I have done for the Maori Task! Hope you enjoy :)!

Whare Tapa Wha - Room 3

Task Description: For todays Te Whare Tapa Wha, room 3 worked on Taha Wairua. Taha Wairua relates to Religious beliefs , Appreciating nature, Meaning of life. My buddy Mele and I worked on this task together, we just did a photo that repersents Aotearoa. 

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Taha Tinana - Physical wellbeing

Task Description: This week room 3 has been working on our Te Whare Tapa Wha. This task relates to our health, well-being and much more... For todays task, room 3 worked on "Taha Tinana" this Tapa Wha relates to our physical wellbeing! We had to buddy up into partners, but my friends and I decided to go as one group. This is what we have done, I hope you enjoy our Slide :)

IKAN 2 - Math test

Today room 3 had a Math test. Room 3 Math class did this test because our teacher wanted to see what kind of Math we are good at. We went thorugh this 2 times, so we can hear out what it is saying and so we can know what kind of Math it is! Our teacher explained to us at the end what we didnt get right, and we ticked it if we got it right and put a small dot by it if it was wrong.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Taha Hinengaro .

This week room 3 has been working on our Whare Tapa Wha. Since its the last week of having school, we are trying to finish off everything. For todays task was about Taha Hinengaro, yesterday we did Taha Tinana. 

Monday, 21 September 2020

Sign Language is for everyone!

Kia Ora and welcome back to my blog, this week is New Zealand Sign Language week. The topic that goes with Sign Language is 'Sign language is for everyone!'.
This week is to acknowledge the deaf people and those who help teach them sign language and ways to communicate to others. It is important to never make fun of people who have trouble hearing because they are the tough ones who learn sign language so that they can talk and introduce them to others.

This week I am supporting deaf people, deaf people do not understand what you are saying. For the deaf people to understand what you are saying, you have to do the actions with your hands in sign language. Room 3 had to do actions with our hands, and we had to do our names. 

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Te Horeta's Nail - Literacy ( Room 5 )

This week I have been focusing on the "Te Horeats'a Nail". This story was made in 1769 and It about Captain cook and Much more. This is what I've done, HOPE YOU ENJOY!!

Kia Kaha Te Reo Maori - Literacy ( Room 5 )

This week it is Maori Language week. For Maori language week my literacy class has been working on a Maori task. This task relates to Mountains, Maori Arts and much more, This is what I have done and this task is easy and also fun!

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Taha Tinana - Physical body routine: - Room 3

Today room 3 has been working on our Taha Tinana Physical well being. Room 3 had to make a poster having photos and we had to name what it was in English and Maori. Me and my buddy Mele worked on this together, and this is what we manged to do.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Taha Wairua - Te Reo Maori Words .

Task Description: Talofa lava and welcome back to my blog. For today's Whare Tapa Wha we did Taha Wairua. What we had to do is name the colors and objects in Māori. We then had to put photos next to them to show what they are. On the top is my work that I did. I named them in Maori and put pictures next to them. Thanks for looking at my poster of naming the words in Māori and I will be back with more work soon. GOODBYE

Monday, 14 September 2020

Fractions - Mele & Lani

Today room 3 has been working on fractions. For the fractions task, room 3 got a question from our teacher " Ms Tele'a ". This task is really fun and amzaing, you should try it out!

Maori Language Moment - Room 3

Today at 12pm the whole world are doing something to support the Maori Language week moment. Pt England School decided to do something as-well, we are singing a beautiful song thats in Te Reo Maori. Room 3 has recorded what we did for the Maori Language week this week. 
In 1972, 30,000 signatures were delivered to Parliament to safeguard the Maori Language. 
 Safe-guard means to protect The Maori language needed to be protected.

- Why I think that the Maori land needed to be protected, was because the people haven't been speaking there language and the Maori language is getting lost
-The Maori language needed to be protected because if it wasn't getting protected people can do whatever they want, and they can also do hurtful things/sad things to people in the country
-The Maori were not valuing there language.

Taha Whanau - Room 3

On 12th September Saturday, we celebrated my sisters 21st birthday. My sisters birthday was on the 13th of September but we decided to celebrate it on Sauturday. My sisters part started at 4:30 and there were heaps of people that turned up to my sisters birthday! My sisters name is Selina and Lena for short, The party was very very fun becuase my cousins came along, my auntys and my other half of the family. At the party it was very very loud because my sisters friends are very loud, but we all went bed around 5-6 in the morning and we all woke up at 3:00 in the afternoon. There were food, drinks, alcohol, music, dance, challenges, race, and much more...

During that time, my sister stopped the music and asked me to get all of the kids to come outside so we could play games and also have a run race. There were 7 kids that were in the race, and me and my sister Mele came first but I was 2 seconds faster than my sister. After the games/challenges my sister said her speech, and then we all prayed before we ate the food. The food was very yum, I took 3 chicken, patatoe salad, crab salad, and after one chicken I was full and I didnt know why ? Besides that my night was very fun and amazing, and thank you to everyone who celebrated with us and who turned up it was so nice to reunite with yous because of this Covid-19. 

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Taha Wairua - Room 3

Today room 3 has been working on what are some words in Tongan and translate it to English. This is what I have managed to do, this is very simple! The words that I have chosen to do were "Ofa which is love" and Loto Faka'apa'apa which is respect. 

Traditional Tonga cooking and food - Literacy room 5

Task Description: This week my Literacy class has been working on videos about Tonga. There are over 100 videos on a slide sheet Pt England has, there is one video I watched and it is about "Traditional Tongan cooking and food"! We learnt more about Tonga since as yous all know ITS TONGAN LANGUAGE WEEK THIS WEEK YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Symmetry - Tongan Language week!

Goodmorning:)> Today room 3 has been working on symmetry. Me and my buddy (Mele) did one together, I did one side of the turtle, and she did the other side of the turtle. We learnt the difference between lines of symmetry and lines. We had to make it as Tongan patterns since it is Tongan language week this week! We had so much fun making symmetry patterns with Tongan patterns as well. 

The best day ever with my family !

The best day ever with my Family;

The best day ever with my Family was, when we all went to Rotorua and Hamilton to go see my Grandparents. At first we went to Hamilton and then we went to Rotorua on a nice Saturday! We decided to go to Hamilton first because my aunt lives over in Hamilton and she wanted us to go and pick her up. There were 5 cars going down to Rotorua, my sister, my brother, my mum, my aunty and my other aunty. When we go to Hamilton, it takes like 2 hours. We usually leave at night time around 6-7 just so there is not much traffic, we eat maccas on the way to Hamilton and then when we get to our Auntys house we eat again. 

We went to Rotorua so we could see my Grandparents (My mum’s dad and mum)! We haven't seen them for a few years now, they have sadly gone away to a better place in Heaven. My mum’s dad sadly passed away when I was about 2 and a half years old, so I didn't really get to meet him and get to know him better and my mum’s mum sadly passed away before I was born because she was really really sick. While driving to Rotorua with my family, my sister, my nephew, my mum and I went in my mums car. Me and my sister were singing so loud that everyone we drove past looked at us, we didn't care because that's just our normal selves and we are not ashamed of what people think about our singing skills.  It was 3 and a half hours from Hamilton to get to Rotorua, but we managed to get back home around 9-10 (Hamilton).

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

5 interesting pratises you found to help Tongan epople to keep their culture alive - Literacy , room 5

Task Description: Today my literacy class has been working on a Tongan culture task. This task is all about how to keep the Tongan culture alive, the women in Tonga have been making Ngatu since the 1990s. 

Monday, 7 September 2020

Ko hoku Famiili - My Family

Task Description: Today room 3 has been working on a task. This task relates to our families and how to say the words in Tongan since its Tongan language week this week. 

Friday, 4 September 2020


Today we are celebrating life, being at school, being alive being well! Today our kind Principle "Mr Burt" decided that we have a mufty day, wheels day and wacky hair day. We had to take a photo of out outfits, so we can post it on our blog. 

Congratulations to us all for pusing on in what has been an extraordinary year so far.

-I want to thank and acknowlege my family for helping me out through bubble life, I want to thank my family for always being there when I need them, and I want to thank my family for buying food for me and my siblings during bubble life. 

-I'd also like to acknowlege Mr Burt "My Principel" for making this day fun, I'd love to thank you for making everyday we have at Pt England School fun and exciting, I would love to thank you very very much for being our principal because without you here we wouldnt have any fun like we are having right now:)

-I'd love to thank Mrs Tele'a my home class teacher for letting us do less work each day, I'd love to thank you for making room 3 laugh every hour and then. I want to acknowledge Mrs Tele'a for making everyday fun for us and for always loving us even if we were annoying, and I want to thank Mrs Tele'a for always being there for room 3 and not only room 3 but the whole school! :)

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Virtual Library

Task Description: In literacy we have been making our Virtual Library. We have been doing our Virtual library because our literacy teacher "Ms Tipene" told us that we should start reading books offline.

Taha Wairua

This is just a message to all of you out there reading this. Being depressed isn't good, it dosen't help you get out of the house, it dosen't make you do any of these or it wont make you happy at all. You will stay depressed for your life time if you do not Pray, Read the bible or sing some songs. If you are ever depressed or sad, just jump onto my blog and read this message, and I reckon this little message will help you. 

Taha Tinana.

Good morning :) Today and yesterday I was working on the Taha Tinana. Taha Tinana is your health of you body, and you should always be doing exercise. Exercise is the best thing for your body, you should do these everyday or you should go for a run/walk. This is what I did for my Taha Tinana, just to keep my body healthy and fit.  

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Taniwha Studies

Task Description: Today me and my buddy (Tori) have been working on a Taniwha task. This task is all about Taniwhas, We had to find a map of where the Taniwhas live.

Monday, 31 August 2020

Measurement - Room 3

Task Description: Today I have been working on a Measurement task. This task is all about measurement, why I like doing these kind of task is because it makes me learn more about Measurement.

Taha Whanau - Room 3

Task Description: Today room 3 had to work on a task that Mrs Tele'a made. This task contains family and what our family roles are, for example this is what I have did. We had to make an avatar that is similar to your siblings or parents, and we also had to write down below or beside our avatars whats our role, or what we do at home. 

5 things im grateful for:

We had a choice to stay home or come to school. Heaps of students from Pt England decided to come to school. Teachers here @ Pt England school think its a good thing that we chose to come back to school, instead of staying home. I also think its a good choice that we chose to come back to school, because we can stay focused on our work because at home we might have siblings that like to annoy you.

Monday, 10 August 2020

Y7 - 2021

Which parts of the whare tapawha did we strengthen on these 3 days ? 
Taha Whanau, Taha Tinana, Taha Wairua, Taha Hinengaro

This is just a photo of what I have been working on for the past 10 - 15 minutes. Room 3 had to work on this made up task because we did not have other work to do, so Ms Tele'a just decided that we do this. Doing this is important for the other year 7's next year so they know whats happening and also so they do not get distracted! Having time without the year 8's is kind of fun, but what I could say is I had really fun without the year 8's because I needed time just with some of the year 7's. 

Year 8 - Year 7 sharing.

 Today at 10:00 the whole of team 5 came together. Team 5 came together so we could hear what the year 8's did at camp and what the year 7's did while the year 8 students were away! 

-The year 8 leaders shared what they did at camp and what there favourite thing about camp was, also what they did to over become there fears. 

  • - Jez shared first. He loved performing his chant with his team and he also loved sleeping with his friends which were Arthur, Josh, and most of the boys that are close friends with him. ( They all slept together because *Pashal* was telling them about there was a Myth and Legend watching them sleep and they got really scared and put there beds together. )
  • - Oalli shared first for the year 7's. Oalii shared her group name, what she loved about her group, and her favourite part about the 3 days we were here. What Oalii loved about her group is that * Even tho we didnt play together at lunch and morning tea, we still became friends in those 3 days and we actually worked together on our work*. 
  • -Arthur loved sleeping with his friends, loved playing games, and loved the food at camp. Arthur loved sleeping with his friends cause hes probably not use to sleeping with friends or hes either hasnt slept with friends since year 5 and 6. 
  • -Nina loved the food, playing with her group and letting her group go first in games. Nina loved letting her group to go first because shes just a kind person and she loves to play with other people that she hasnt met before. 
  • -What Jacob loved about going to year 8 leader ship camp was, he liked/loved putting his friends first and he also loved playing the games with other year 8 students. Jacob wanted to share more and more about camp but we didnt have enough time so we just listend to half of his amazing story about camp. 
* Getting scared.
* Leader ship.
*Trying new things.
* Showing support.
* The concert night.
* Games
*Stepping up
* Over coming their fears.
*Having a great time.
*Enjoyed sleeping in their dorms

* Yr7
* They loved the food.
* They enjoyed seeing people step up.
* They also enjoyed being a leader
* They also enjoyed people getting together.
* They saw people stepping up.
* People coming out of their comfort zone.
* People showing support.
* Also saw people stepping up as a leader.
*Being Kind
* They also enjoyed being a prefect 

Year 8 Camp - Year 7 Step up - Room 3

 Year 8 Camp: 

On Wednesday last week all of the year 8 students went on camp. The year 8 camp was helled at "Kauaeranga valley" Thames. 


-Slingshot + Paint Ball

-Go Cart


-Concert items

Camp group names:

Thames,Kauaranga, Coromandel and Kauri

Awhirito: Our role to support and be supported

-Over coming fears

*Dorm life*

Year 7 step up:

On Wednesday when the year 8 students went on to camp, all of the year 7's had to step up and be learders for the year 8s. Us year 7s we went into different classes with other teachers, and there was only 3 teachers that stayed behind with us year 7's. (Ms Moala) (Ms Ilaoa) (Ms Tipene). 

-Playing games

-Creating posters - About being a leader 

Team Games:

-Cup staking - Staking the cups



-Clue game

-Cookie Games

The team names were ( Team Thunder Ms Moalas Group ) (Strikers Ms Ilaoas group ) (Duck life Ms Tipenes group )

*Fun ways to step up is to just be your self and never give up on the year 8s. How I think I stepped up was I acted like i was a year 8, and I just helped other kids out around and in the school grounds. 

( Those are just some things we did while the year 8 students went off the leader ship camp, I hope you enjoyed reading and I also hope for other year 8 students during the future to set an example for the year 7's, and the year 7's to set an example for the year 7's coming up to team five during the year 2020 ) 

Monday, 3 August 2020

Persuasive Writing - Room 3

During 2020 there has been some really sad things happening. Climate change, Bush fires in aussie, Kobe Bryant's death, Protesting, Worldwide pandemic, George floyds death. Those are just some things that have happened in 2020 lately.

Bushfires In Australia:

What I know about the bushfires in Australia is people have been losing their family members due to the bushfires. The bushfires in Australia started 1 year ago in June 2019, people are losing their houses and the area sadly because of the Australian bushfires. Record breaking temperatures and months of severe drought have fuelled a series of massive bushfires across Australia.

The Bushfires in Australia are getting really bad, I think that the bushfires over in Australia have stopped but I'm not sure of that because the news lately haven't been talking about the Bushfires. This bushfire is located in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. Bushfires in Australia have approximately killed 800 people in Australia since 1851. 

Kobey Bryants Death:
What I know about Kobe Bryant's death is that he died due to a helicopter crash on Sunday in Calabasa, California, United states on January 26th 2020.  Sadly his daughter Gianna Bryant was in that helicopter and she sadly died too.
At the time, weather conditions in Calabasas were reported to be foggy. The helicopter came down between two groups of mountain bikers who called 9-1-1. Witnesses reported that the helicopter's engine was sputtering before the crash.

Worldwide Pandemic:
What I know about the Worldwide pandemic is that it's a virus that is going around. This virus going around is really bad, it's killing thousands of people around the world, this worldwide pandemic is very serious and you should not obey Jacinda Ardern, Jacinda Ardern has made calls to a New Zealand worldwide lockdown. 

This lockdown is very important. Jacinda Ardern is making sure that we all stay safe and if we are sick go to the doctors immediately. This lockdown was going for about 75-85 weeks, one of the countries had 1,556 cases which is really really bad/ serious. Beginning at 11:59 pm on 25th March, the Alert level was moved to level 4 putting the country into a nationwide lockdown. 

Friday, 31 July 2020

Myths and Legends - Room 3

Today room 3 has been working on a task which is myth and legends. Room 3 had to research about what Myths were and what Legends were, we also had to watch the video and pause throughout the video and research words we didn't know what it meant. ( Enjoy )

Te Whare Tapa Wha - Room 3

Today room 3 had to reflect back on our Te Whare Tapa Wha, by completing a health goal sheet. (ENJOY)

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Bermuda Triangle Research - Room 3

The vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle is amongst the most heavily travelled shipping lanes in the world, with ships frequently crossing through it for ports in the Americas, Europe and the Caribbean islands. Cruise ships and pleasure craft regularly sail through the region, and commercial and private aircraft routinely fly over it.

-The Bermuda Triangle is a mythical section of the Atlantic Ocean roughly bounded by Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico where dozens of ships and air planes have disappeared.

-In all probability, however, there is no single theory that solves the mystery. As one skeptic put it, trying to find a common cause for every Bermuda Triangle disappearance is no more logical than trying to find a common cause for every automobile accident in Arizona

Bermuda Triangle - Wikipedia

Today room 3 searching on "Bermuda Triangle". This Bermuda triangle is one of the most hardest things to study, you have to find all these different things to do with it and why. True or False?

This information is from these sites: 
Have a read of it and also watch the videos on the site :)

Persuasive Writing - Ms Tipenes Literacy.

Task Description: Today Ms Tipenes literacy class has been working on "Persuasive Writing". We watched a video about racism, the title for the video we watched was "Brown Brother".

Myth and Legend - Room 3

Today room 3 travelled across team 5 and went into room 5 with Ms Tipene. Ms Tipene gave us a task to do "Myth and Legends". This task is pretty easy, for the choose it myth we had to find a myth around East Tamaki, same as choose it legend.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Three goals for literacy:

 Three goals for literacy:

-Move up levels in reading.
-Why I want to move up levels in reading is because my goal is trying to make it into "Kelston Girls high school" so I can easily communicate with my cousins and my brothers at Kelston Boys high school.

-Become a good speller.
-I want to become a good speller so I can just spell it out with out stopping. During literacy we do a lot of writing, half of the time I'll not be sure of how to spell words and that's the reason I would want to become a good speller/

-Help students with there work when their stuck.
-Helping students with their work is kind, the only reason I would love to help people with their work is because they help me with mine. People always help me with my work and I would love to help them too.

Monday, 27 July 2020

Myths & Legands

Task Description: Today room 3 has been working on a task. Room 3 is having a challenge with room 11 and 12, also Ms Ilaoa. This is a challenge were you have to post someting about the countrys we have been working on this whole week. 

Thursday, 23 July 2020

He aha tenei? - What is this ?

Today when the year 8's went to tech, all of the year 7's did three rotations. The first rotation was the Rua group went to Te Reo Maori, Toru went to sports, and Tahi did DLO. 

Greek Mythology

For today room 3 went into room 4 with Mr Hughes. We learned about "Greek Mythology", its a story based on the myth of Herms. We were in Mrs Stones class (Room 4) but we had Mr Hughes because Mrs Stone is away. We had to choose a god or goddess and make a poster about them along with some interesting facts. Enjoy my poster and work :)

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Paul Bunyan - Ms Moala

Today room 3 has been switched up into different classes. Since its only Wednesday, room 3 went to room 1 and room 5. Tomorrow we are going to go room 4 and room 11, switching classes is so much fun. We get to hangout with different teachers! Learning about "Paul Bunyan" is really fun, talking about how tall he is. 

Blue Mountains - Room 5

Today room 3 has been switched up into different classes. Since its only Wednesday, room 3 went to room 1 and room 5. Tomorrow we are going to go room 4 and room 11, switching classes is so much fun. We get to hangout with different teachers!

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

The watcher of the south - Room 3/2

Today my buddy Hannah and I worked on a Myth called "The watcher of the South". We had to go clock wise and go in another class, for room 3 my class we had to go to room 2. It was really fun learning more about South Africa.

Monday, 20 July 2020

Dragon's Eye - Room 3

Today room 3 has been working on Dragon's eye. Its really fun to learn more about because there is this lake located somewhere in the world, If you swim in it with your partner apparently your marriage will last long and you will be blessed with children.