Title: Why is school important?
Intro: School is one of the most important things for us kids. It can teach you to use tools in life and also in the future. School is important because it helps you get good grades. For example , why is school important? Because it acknowledges the stages in the topics you have done during your journey through school, and it also helps you.Info 1: School is important because we learn about life and the future. School is important because learn new things, new things you learn can teach you more and more about life. School provides high grades and the perfect grades you're meant to be at, school also provides exposure to activities, ideas, and fields of knowledge that you might never encounter otherwise. School can help you to get good educations either for college or university.
Info 2: The difference between school and life, is that school teaches you heaps about your grades and ideas through life. School is important not only because it teaches more about life, but only it helps you get good grades and it can make you become a good worker. People that don't bother to go to school just don't love school. For me I kind of love school but not that much, I'm very thankful that we have schools around because if it wasn't my grades won't be where they are at right now!
Info 3: School lets you do heaps of things in your classroom, being in school not only teaches you but it makes you get more friends. School is important because it teaches us about the world around us and prepares us with the tools we will need for future success in the job market. Schools can teach you heaps more, even if you don't like it, it still can teach you heaps and if you don't do what you are told then you won't learn.
Conclusion: Students that go school have been teached heaps, we have been teached more about life, more about the future, and mainly more about our grades. Going to school everyday, waking up early in the morning at 7:00 just to get ready for school, it just shows you how much you want to learn from school.
Task Description: For today in literacy we decided to write about why school is important. School should always be important because it teache's you much more, it gets your grades higher and higher (The more you learn). I decided to only do 3 informations about why its important, we are working on our writing because we have tests coming up soon and these writing we write go into our reports so we can go to good colleges.
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