
Friday, 16 October 2020

Immersion Assembly - Term 4

Last Monday on the first day of Term 4, we had an Immersion assembly. Our immersion assembly is all about the things we are going to be focusing on for the rest of the term! All the teams had to act or make a movie about what their going to do through out this term.

Info 1 - Team 5:
Team 5's act was all about the art gallery. Team 5 is focusing on making art, and also finding places through the school where we can hang our piece of art work. At the immersion assembly, all of the team 5 teachers acted like an art work that you would find at the art gallery shop in town. Mrs Tele'a acted like an Islander with a malu on her legs, with all these objects that the people used in the old days. 

Info 2 - Team 1:
Team 1's movie was about Famous paintings. Team 1 created a movie with all of the team 1 teachers, and they had to dress up so they could look like the peoples paintings. The team 1 teachers acted like one of the famous peoples paintings, for example like Girl with a Pearl Earring one of the teachers acted like her, and the rest had to find other famous paintings and dress up as them. 

Info 3 - Team 4:
For teams 4 movie was all about google meeting and cultural patterns. All of the team 4 teachers met up in a google meet, since it was holidays and they all couldn't make it, they just had a google meet and had a decision about what they should do for there movie. Miss Tuia came up with a brilliant idea and it was to draw cultural patterns, they worked from home and they all managed to get there art work done.

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