
Monday, 10 August 2020

Year 8 Camp - Year 7 Step up - Room 3

 Year 8 Camp: 

On Wednesday last week all of the year 8 students went on camp. The year 8 camp was helled at "Kauaeranga valley" Thames. 


-Slingshot + Paint Ball

-Go Cart


-Concert items

Camp group names:

Thames,Kauaranga, Coromandel and Kauri

Awhirito: Our role to support and be supported

-Over coming fears

*Dorm life*

Year 7 step up:

On Wednesday when the year 8 students went on to camp, all of the year 7's had to step up and be learders for the year 8s. Us year 7s we went into different classes with other teachers, and there was only 3 teachers that stayed behind with us year 7's. (Ms Moala) (Ms Ilaoa) (Ms Tipene). 

-Playing games

-Creating posters - About being a leader 

Team Games:

-Cup staking - Staking the cups



-Clue game

-Cookie Games

The team names were ( Team Thunder Ms Moalas Group ) (Strikers Ms Ilaoas group ) (Duck life Ms Tipenes group )

*Fun ways to step up is to just be your self and never give up on the year 8s. How I think I stepped up was I acted like i was a year 8, and I just helped other kids out around and in the school grounds. 

( Those are just some things we did while the year 8 students went off the leader ship camp, I hope you enjoyed reading and I also hope for other year 8 students during the future to set an example for the year 7's, and the year 7's to set an example for the year 7's coming up to team five during the year 2020 ) 

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