
Friday, 22 May 2020

Taha Wairua-Spiritual wellbeing

Today for our study on Te Whare Tapa Wha we are looking at Taha Wairua.

This is to do with our spiritual wellbeing,what we believe in. There are many ways people show Taha Wairua. We talked about this and came up with this lise:
-People pray in public and in private
-some people dress a certain way to show their spiritual well being-what they believe in
-Read and live by a certain set of guidelines: Bible, Quran etc
-Signs or symbols made with their hands,in jewellery, clothing etc
-What other ways you can think of?

Todays activity was to create a card to bless another person from our bubble,to make their spirit - Their 'Taha Wairua' stonger.

For today I chose to write a thank you card to my helping mum. Room 3 did the first part first,then we all had to do the rest by our selfs.Shoutout to my helping,Kind full mother! On from this I have created a card for my mum,for me telling her that I am thankful to have her in my life and I thank her for always being there when im @ my lowest.

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